Our Wealth Lion™ philosophy
The Ogden Group's Wealth Lion™ program is based on the premise that every organization – regardless of
size or technical sophistication – deserves full access to all the information needed to identify, profile,
and manage their prospects. Our business is to help you generate revenue.
Wealth Lion™ Prospect Research Database can identify the wealthiest of the wealthy – the top 6 percent
in terms of income, assets and philanthropic history.
Our Wealth Lion™ provides detailed profile information, including valuable links for more information,
on prospective or current customers that match our database. Information, such as demographic information, lists
of specific political donations, and SEC insider transactions.
In addition, our program will analyze the matches in the aggregate, graphing levels of assets and potential
sales opportunities. The information you receive is automatically updated, keeping you current on the latest
news about your top prospects. This information is available from any location, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week,
and you can access it from different computers at the same time. Plus you can link to it from any lead
management system.